분류 전체보기(430)
Hedeby From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Not to be confused with Hejdeby. HedebyUNESCO World Heritage SiteLocationPart ofCriteriaReferenceInscriptionCoordinates Reconstructed houses in the area of the old settlement Busdorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Archaeological Border Complex of Hedeby and the Danevirke Cultural: (iii), (iv) 1553 2018 (42nd Session) 54°..
2022.09.28 -
Birka From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search This article is about the Viking-age trading center in Sweden. For other uses, see Birka (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Birkaria. BirkaLocationCoordinatesHistoryFoundedAbandonedPeriodsUNESCO World Heritage SiteOfficial nameTypeCriteriaDesignatedReference no.Region Ansgars Cross in Birka Ekerö Municipality, Sw..
2022.09.28 -
수나라(581-613)의 전쟁 역사와 프랑크역사 비교
필자는 중국의 역사가 요수인 론강의 서쪽에 있다고 추정한다. 따라서 프랑스의 프랑크 역사가 중국의 역사일 것이란 추정이다. 그래서 이제, 수나라의 시기에 대하여 프랑크 역사와 대조하여 그 진실을 확인해 보자. 특히 전쟁의 역사가 영토분쟁의 역사이기 때문에 역사에 비교적 상세히 남아 있다. 이점을 고려하여 전쟁사 중심으로 비교하고자 한다. 수나라 전쟁 역사에서 우리는 크게 몇가지 사실을 요약할 수 있다. 1) 우선 그동안 북제, 북주 등의 시기로 갈라진 중국이 북주로 통일되었는데, 이어서 수나라로 바끤 것이다. 이런 상황이 프랑크 역사에서 어떻게 나타나는지 살펴볼 것이다. 2) 두번째는 돌궐과의 관계에 있어서, 그동안 북제, 북주 모두 돌궐에 공물을 바쳤는데, 수나라 또한 돌궐과 대치하게 된다. 수나라는 ..
2022.09.27 -
바이킹의 활동 지역과 한민족 연관성 (2)
지난 글, '바이킹은 한민족과 관련이 있는가?'라는 글에서 바이킹의 문화를 살펴 보며, 한민족과의 연관성을 살펴 보았다. 특히 마한과의 연관성을 찾은 것으로 보인다. 마한이 중부유럽과 이태리반도에 걸쳐 있고, 백두산 주위 10개국의 하나인 해두국이 마한의 거수국이었으니, 다른 조나국(Juteland로 추정)이나 주나국도 마한의 거수국이 될 수 있지 않나 생각하며, 그러한 면에서 바이킹의 마한과의 연관성은 설명될 수 있다고 본다. 즉 바이킹의 한민족과의 연관성이 있을 수 있다는 것이다. 특히 서쪽의 바이킹이 덴마크의 Danes와 연관이 있다면, 북부여지역으로 돌아간 두막루가 Denmark로 추정되므로, 더욱 한민족과의 관련성은 확실해진다. 본 글에서는 8세기 이후의 바이킹의 활동지역에 대해 살펴 보며, 그..
2022.09.26 -
<펌>History of Norway
History of Norway From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Homann's map of the Scandinavian Peninsula and Fennoscandia with their surrounding territories: northern Germany, northern Poland, the Baltic region, Livonia, Belarus, and parts of Northwest Russia. Johann Baptist Homann (1664–1724) was a German geographer and cartographer; map dated around 1730. Part of a ..
2022.09.26 -
<펌> History of Denmark
History of Denmark From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "History of Denmark" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (March 2021) (Learn how and when to remove t..
2022.09.26 -
Danevirke From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search For other uses, see Dannevirke (disambiguation). DanevirkeTypeHeightSite informationControlled byOpen tothe publicConditionSite historyBuiltBuilt byIn useMaterialsUNESCO World Heritage SiteLocationPart ofCriteriaReferenceInscription Schleswig-Holstein Danevirke: construction phases Danevirke Show map of GermanyShow..
2022.09.26 -
<펌> Harald Bluetooth
Harald Bluetooth From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Harald BluetoothKing of DenmarkReignPredecessorSuccessorKing of NorwayReignPredecessorSuccessorRegentDiedSpouseHouseFatherMotherReligion Harald being baptized by Poppo the monk, in a relief dated to c. 1200[1] c. 958 – c. 986 Gorm the Old Sweyn Forkbeard c. 970 – c. 985/986 Harald Greycloak Olaf Tryggvason Ha..
2022.09.26 -
Thyra From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search This article is about the Danish queen. For other people with this given name, see Thyra (given name). For the river of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, see Thyra (river). For the main-belt asteroid, see 115 Thyra. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to r..
2022.09.26 -
<펌> Gorm the Old
Gorm the Old From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search "Gorm of Denmark" redirects here. For the 20th-century prince, see Prince Gorm of Denmark. Gorm the OldKing of DenmarkReignPredecessorSuccessorBornDiedSpouseIssueDetailHouseFatherMotherReligion Gorm learns of the death of his son Canute, painting by August Carl Vilhelm Thomsen c. 936 – 958/964 Harthacnut (Canute ..
2022.09.26 -
<펌> Jelling stones
Jelling stones From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search This article contains runic characters. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of runes. Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones and ChurchUNESCO World Heritage SiteLocationCriteriaReferenceInscriptionAreaCoordinates Jelling stones, in their glass casing (2012) Jellin..
2022.09.26 -
<펌>Gregory of Tours
Gregory of Tours From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search "Historia Francorum" redirects here. For the history of the First Crusade, see Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem. For the anonymous 8th-century chronicle, see Liber Historiae Francorum. Saint Gregory of ToursBishop of ToursBornDiedVenerated inFeast St. Gregory of Tours, 19th century statue by Jean Ma..
2022.09.25 -
<펌> 네르친스크 조약 (1689) - 나무위키
네르친스크조약 (1689년) - 나무위키 네르친스크 조약 최근 수정 시각: 2022-06-22 15:10:28 만주의 역사 조약, 협약, 협정 청나라의 역사 러시아 제국의 역사 중러관계 1689년 라틴어 : Tractatus pacis de Nipkoa 러시아어 : Нерчинский договор 만주어 : ᠨᡳᠪᠴᡠ ᡳ ᠪᠣᠵᡳ ᠪᡳᡨᡥᡝ nibcoo-i bade bithe 중국어 : 尼布楚條約 1. 개요 1689년에 동시베리아의 네르친스크에서 청나라와 루스 차르국 사이에 맺어진 국경 조약이다. 2. 배경 킵차크 칸국으로부터 독립해 확장을 시작한 러시아는 모피무역에 주목했다. 마침 시베리아는 모피가 풍부한 곳으로 이반 4세의 타타르 축출 이후 무주공산이었다. 러시아 정부는 카자크들을 고용해 동쪽으..
2022.09.20 -
<펌> 백두산 정계비(1712) - 나무위키
------------------- 참고자료 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** 백두산 정계비 (1712년) - 나무위키 백두산정계비 최근 수정 시각: 2022-04-27 23:22:07 조선 청나라의 역사 없어진 문화재 1. 개요2. 배경3. 파괴4. 국경 분쟁 1. 개요 白頭山定界碑 숙종 39년(1712) 백두산 지대에 국경지대 설정 과정에서 조선과 청나라가 합의한 후, 장군봉(將軍峰, 2750 m)과 대연지봉(大臙脂峰, 2360 m) 사이 대략 중간지점인 해발 2150 m 고지에 세운 석비.조선과 청나라의 경계(국경)을 나타내는 비석이다. 2. 배경 정묘호란 이전부터 조선과 청 양국은 국경지..
2022.09.20 -
흑해 주변의 카자르칸국(650/660-969/1050)은 발해의 일부인가?
발해의 일부라 판단되는 Khazar Kaganate(650/660 - 969/1050)는 여러가지로 발해의 특성과 일치한다. 그러나 그 구체적인 검토는 후일 발해에 관한 연구에서 본격적으로 하고, 여기서는 Pechenegs지역에 이전에 있던 나라로서, 특히 말기에 관한 역사에 집중하고자 한다. Khazar Khaganate(650/660-969/1050)는 흑해 주변의 방대한 영토를 확보한 국가로서, 여러 튀르크계 민족이 혼합된 국가이며, 따라서 종교도 Tengrism, Buddhism, Judaism, Muslim, 샤머니즘 등이 혼재하였다. 발해 역사에서도 기독교가 있었다고 언급된 것을 최근에 알게 되었다. Khazar Khaganate (650-850) (source : Wikipedia) 1) 카..
2022.09.20 -
Texandria From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Toxandria) Jump to navigationJump to search Texandria (also Toxiandria; later Toxandria, Taxandria),[note 1] is a region mentioned in the 4th century AD and during the Middle Ages. It was situated in the southern part of the modern Netherlands and in the northern part of present-day Belgium, currently known as Campine (Kempen in Du..
2022.09.19 -
<펌>Batavia (region)
Batavia (region) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search For other uses, see Batavia (disambiguation). BataviaAlternative nameLocationRegionTypePart ofHistoryCulturesSatellite ofEvents *Batawjō (reconstructed) The Netherlands c. AD 50. The river islands, one of which was Batavia, can be seen slightly below the center. The modern Betuwe region corresponds greatly wi..
2022.09.19 -
<펌>Batavi (Germanic tribe)
Batavi (Germanic tribe) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search "Batavians" redirects here. For other uses, see Batavia and Batavi. Funerary stela of one of Nero's Corporis Custodes, the imperial Germanic bodyguard. The bodyguard, Indus, was of the Batavian tribe. The Batavi were an ancient Germanic[1] tribe that lived around the modern Dutch Rhine delta in the are..
2022.09.19 -
<펌>Salian Franks
Salian Franks From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search "Salians" redirects here. For the eleventh-century dynasty, see Salian dynasty. For the Roman priests, see Salii. Salian settlement in Toxandria in 358 where Julian the Apostate made them dediticii. Roman Empire Salian Franks Germanic tribes east of the Rhine The Salian Franks, also called the Salians (Latin: Sa..
2022.09.19 -
Chamavi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search The Chamavi, Chamãves or Chamaboe (Χᾳμαβοί) were a Germanic tribe of Roman imperial times whose name survived into the Early Middle Ages. They first appear under that name in the 1st century AD Germania of Tacitus as a Germanic tribe that lived to the north of the Lower Rhine. Their name probably survives in the regio..
2022.09.19 -
Chauci From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search The Chauci (German: Chauken, and identical or similar in other regional modern languages) were an ancient Germanic tribe living in the low-lying region between the Rivers Ems and Elbe, on both sides of the Weser and ranging as far inland as the upper Weser. Along the coast they lived on artificial mounds called terpen,..
2022.09.19 -
<펌> History of Normandy
History of Normandy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search The Coat of Arms of Normandy Normandy was a province in the North-West of France under the Ancien Régime which lasted until the latter part of the 18th century. Initially populated by Celtic tribes in the West and Belgic tribes in the North East, it was conquered in AD 98 by the Romans and integrated into ..
2022.09.18 -
<펌> Old Saxony
Old Saxony From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Old SaxonyStatusCapitalCommon languagesReligionGovernmentHistorical era• Hadugato, first documented duke• End of the Saxon Wars 6th century–804 The later stem duchy of Saxony (circa 1000 AD), which was based in the Saxons' traditional homeland bounded by the rivers Ems, Eider and Elbe Tribal territory of the Saxons..
2022.09.18 -
Nordalbingia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Northern Albingia) Jump to navigationJump to search This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Nordalbingia" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (March 2007) (Learn h..
2022.09.18 -
<펌> Zenith of Iron Age Shetland
Zenith of Iron Age Shetland From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from The Crucible of Iron Age Shetland) Jump to navigationJump to search Broch of Mousa The Zenith of Iron Age Shetland is a combination of three sites in Shetland that have applied to be on the United Kingdom "Tentative List" of possible nominations for the UNESCO World Heritage Programme list of sites of outstanding ..
2022.09.18 -
<펌> Chambered cairn
Chambered cairn From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Cross sections of Maeshowe A chambered cairn is a burial monument, usually constructed during the Neolithic, consisting of a sizeable (usually stone) chamber around and over which a cairn of stones was constructed. Some chambered cairns are also passage-graves. They are found throughout Britain and Ireland, wi..
2022.09.18 -
<펌> Fiddle
Fiddle From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search This article is about the musical instrument and its playing styles. For more, see Violin. For the Indian film, see Fiddle (film). "Fiddler" redirects here. For other uses, see Fiddler (disambiguation). FiddleString instrumentOther namesHornbostel–Sachs classificationDevelopedPlaying rangeRelated instrumentsMusiciansBu..
2022.09.18 -
<펌> Up Helly Aa
Up Helly Aa From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search "Guizer" redirects here. For other uses, see Guising (disambiguation). Guizers at an Up Helly Aa celebration in Uyeasound, Shetland Islands, February 2010 Culture of ScotlandHistoryPeopleCuisineReligionArtLiterature Part of a series on the show Languages show Traditions show Mythology and folklore show Festivals s..
2022.09.18 -
<펌> Irish people
Irish people From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search This article is about the Irish as an ethnic group and nation. For information on Ireland's population, see Demographics of the Republic of Ireland and Demographics of Northern Ireland. "Irishman" redirects here. For pages titled "The Irishman", see The Irishman. For "The Irish People" newspapers, see The Irish ..
2022.09.17 -
<펌>Picts (in Scotland)
Picts From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search "Pict" redirects here. For other uses, see Pict (disambiguation). The Aberlemno Serpent Stone, Class I Pictish stone with Pictish symbols, showing (top to bottom) the serpent, the double disc and Z-rod and the mirror and comb 19th century copy of silver plaque from the Norrie's Law hoard, Fife, with double disc and Z-r..